When ever a person a goal set in place.  Whether it's fitness, family or goals in your career.  If you want to be successful at it, you have to give it everything that you have.  Today, I want to focus mainly on fitness goals. 

When it comes to getting in shape or being fit, it's easy to get motivated in the beginning.  We all want to look like that famous man or woman that we see plastered all over the media.  So when we start off we won't miss a beat.  But starting is the easy part.  What happens when you're two months in, and you aren't seeing any results.  What happens when you're 3 months in and you don't feel like going to gym today and you feel like " I'll just make it up tomorrow"? Sounds familiar? I know because I can relate.

The simple fact of the matter is that no matter whether you're tired, stressed or unmotivated.  Your body doesn't give a shit, because it doesn't know any difference.  To put it simply, you have NO excuses.  If you come up with excuses, then be prepared to get shitty results.  You get out whatever you put into it.

Over my many years of training and competing, I've come across many days that I didn't feel like training or I felt like cheating on my diet.  Me being human, I said "fuck it".  But with that "fuck it",
there were some consequences that came along with it.  After that, I knew that I needed to be able to stay focused and stay consistent. 

If you truly think about it, what excuse do we really have.  I've seen people with missing limbs show up at the gym everyday.  After seeing that, I understood that me being tired, is no reason not to get my training session, or morning cardio in.  Me "feeling" deprived  was no reason for me not to stick with my diet.

To sum it all up, if you claim that you want to accomplish something in life.  You need to stick to whatever plan that you have 100%.  Yes, we all slip.  But key is getting right back on track and understand that I fucked up and I shouldn't try to justify my fuck up. 


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